In a previous version, I had a long write-up here, talking about my inspiration to pursue engineering, my passions throughout my school years — making the case for why I thought I was a big deal.

But one identity crisis and a realization later, suddenly it’s not all that important for me to say all of that. So instead, I’ll add a few bullet points, and as I add more to this website, you can fill in the rest:

  • I’m Jessica Rodriguez. Hi!
  • Currently, I work as a Software Engineer on Platform Integrations at Red Hat. I did a 16-month internship with the WildFly Elytron team.
  • I studied Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto.
  • During that time, I was a member of UTAT Space Systems, and spent a few years as the Firmware System Lead. I’m still an advisor to the team.
  • I like skiing, kayaking, and cycling.
  • There’s still so much I haven’t even tried yet. Figuring out where to start.